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The Biggest Outbound Mistakes Costing Companies in 2024

Are you having a hard time getting responses to your cold emails and calls in 2024? You’re not alone. With inboxes more cluttered than ever, it’s crucial to avoid the biggest outbound mistakes that 90% of companies are making.

In this article, we’ll expose the most common blunders and share uncommon advice to double your outbound success. By the end, you’ll know how to craft cold emails and calls that actually get read and drive meetings.

So, what are the biggest outbound mistakes in 2024? Let’s dive in.

Not personalizing outreach at scale

One of the biggest mistakes is sending generic, one-size-fits-all messages. In 2024, prospects expect personalization. They want to feel like you understand their unique challenges and how your solution can help them.

Ignoring the importance of timing

Timing is critical for outbound success. Sending emails at the wrong time can tank your open and reply rates. In 2024, the best time to reach prospects is often early morning or late afternoon. To optimize timing, use AI to analyze when your prospects are most engaged. 

Failing to Warm Up Domains and Accounts

Another big mistake is sending from cold domains and email accounts. Since February 2024, spam filters are more advanced than ever. If you send from a brand-new domain or account, your emails are likely to get blocked.

The solution? Warm up your domains and accounts before sending outbound. This involves gradually increasing email volume over time to build a positive sending reputation. Doing this can dramatically improve deliverability.

Sending Too Many Emails Too Fast

The spray-and-pray strategy is dead. Sending too many emails too quickly is a recipe for disaster. Spam filters will quickly flag your domain if you blast out hundreds of emails per day. This can get your account suspended, blacklisted or in the best case, your emails will land on Spam.

Limit daily email volume to 30-50 emails per domain. Space out your sends throughout the day. And always use a warm-up period before ramping up volume. This helps you fly under the radar of spam filters.

Not Following-Up

One of the biggest mistakes is failing to follow up. In 2024, most prospects won’t respond to your first email. It often takes 5-7 touchpoints to convert a cold lead.

Nowadays, we have thousands of options to automate follow-up sequence. Send a series of 4-5 emails over 2-3 weeks, each with a different angle. Personalize each follow-up adding some value to it – and don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call as well. Consistent follow-up is key to outbound success.

Lacking a Clear Call-to-Action

Another common mistake is failing to include a clear call-to-action (CTA). Today, your outreach needs to tell prospects exactly what you want them to do next. The best CTA, in our opinion, for outbound outreach is low-friction – which minimizes the barriers to action, making it easier for prospects to engage with your message.

Sending Emails from a No-Reply Address

One of the biggest turn-offs in 2024 is sending from a no-reply email address. This makes your outreach feel cold and impersonal, as if you don’t care about having a real conversation. Prospects want to feel like they’re talking to a real person, not a faceless company.

Always send from a real, monitored email address. Ideally, use an address with your name or a real person’s name and make sure someone is actually checking that inbox to respond to replies. Engaging with prospects is key to building relationships.

So there you have it – the 7 biggest outbound mistakes costing companies in 2024. By avoiding these blunders and implementing the solutions we shared, you can double your outbound success and book more meetings than ever before.

The key is to personalize at scale, optimize for timing and mobile, warm up your domains, follow up consistently, and make it easy for prospects to engage. With the right strategy and tools, you can cut through the noise and make real connections in 2024.

By the way, Techsho can take your outbound to the next level with high-performing sales teams. Book a call and see how this can work for your company. Happy emailing!

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