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7 Sins of B2B Sales (And How to Redeem Yourself)

We’re back!

And just in time for a much-needed dose of sales reality. It’s Friday the 13th, and while most are worrying about black cats and bad luck, we’re taking on something far scarier—the 7 Biggest Sins of B2B Sales. 😅

Every sales pro has had their slip-ups. Ignoring follow-ups, chasing after the wrong leads… we’ve all been there. These common “sins” can creep into your strategy and derail even the best of us.

So, let’s use this superstitious day to cleanse your sales approach. Today, we’re diving into the mistakes that might be quietly sabotaging your quotas and, more importantly, how to avoid them.

This is your sales confession session—time to be honest with yourself.

Are you guilty?

1. Sloth: Ignoring Follow-Ups

If you send one email and never follow up, you might be guilty of Sloth. Thinking that one touchpoint will close the deal is overly optimistic. When you let prospects slip through the cracks, those potential wins gather dust in your inbox.

Fix it: Use follow-up automation tools to stay consistent without being overwhelming. Balance automation with personalization to keep the conversation alive.

2. Greed: Talking Too Much About Yourself

It’s tempting to go on and on about how amazing your product or service is. But guess what? Prospects care more about how you can solve their problems, not about your victory lap.

Fix it: Flip the script. Start asking questions and let your prospect talk about their pain points. This positions you as a problem-solver, not a product pusher.

3. Pride: Overpromising and Under-Delivering

Telling your prospects that your solution is the magic fix for all their problems might sound like a fast way to close a deal. But when reality hits, and you can’t deliver, you’ll lose trust—and probably the deal too.

Fix it: Be realistic. Set clear expectations from the start, and when you do exceed them, you’ll look like a superstar.

4. Wrath: Aggressive Prospecting

We all know that one sales rep who takes “persistence” a bit too far. Sending non-stop emails, bombarding with calls, or hitting that third LinkedIn message that says, “Did you see my last message?”—that’s Wrath in action.

Fix it: Focus on adding value with each touchpoint. Patience and understanding win in B2B sales, not aggression.

5. Envy: Copying Competitors

It’s easy to look at your competitors and think, “If they’re doing that, maybe we should too!” But copying their tactics without understanding your unique value only leads to confusion.

Fix it: Instead, double down on your strengths. What do you offer that’s different? Highlight that, and you’ll stand out for the right reasons.

6. Gluttony: Overloading Your Pitch

Throwing every single feature, benefit, and stat at your prospect, hoping something sticks, is the sin of Gluttony. A bloated pitch overwhelms your prospects, leaving them more confused than convinced.

Fix it: Keep it simple. Focus on 1-2 key benefits that address your prospect’s core pain points. Less is more.

7. Lust: Chasing Unqualified Leads

It’s easy to fall for leads that look shiny on the surface. But lusting after every unqualified prospect will waste your time and distract you from the ones who truly matter.

Fix it: Define your qualification criteria and stick to it. Spend your time on leads who have a real shot at converting.

The Redemption

Good news: These sins are easy to fix with a little awareness and adjustment. If you’re mindful of these pitfalls, you can avoid sabotaging your sales efforts and start hitting your quotas consistently.

At Techsho, we build quota-crushing sales teams for a fraction of the cost of hiring locally. Whether it’s filling your pipeline with quality leads, booking more meetings, or ramping up your sales operations quickly—our dedicated sales experts tackle your challenges head-on.

Ready to clean up your sales strategy? Book a call here.

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